October 2023

October 2023

This is no time to act on hunches or safe bets. Right now, the bond and stock markets are messy. My advice is to stay patient, be nimble, and know what you own....
September 2023

September 2023

We’re in the midst of a real quagmire folks. Mixed messages from money managers and economists alike. Some forecast a soft landing and a return to growth while others see a bleaker outlook for both stocks and bonds.  We’ll get through this period. The best advice...
August 2023

August 2023

The belief that one’s own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all delusions. -Paul Watzlawick Stay Nimble, Be Tactical and Know What You Own®...
June 2023

June 2023

NASDAQ is up 17% * year-to-date BUT IT’S STILL DOWN 24% from all-time high set 11-19-21 S&P is up 8% * year-to-date BUT IT’S STILL DOWN 16% from all-time high set 1-3-22 Dow is down fractionally * year-to-date BUT IT’S STILL DOWN 10% from its all-time high 1-3-22...
May 2023

May 2023

Green Shoots. In agriculture, it’s a sign of spring. A new season of growth has begun. Segments of the stock market are showing some green shoots, at least so far into this earnings season. Is the next bull market in stocks getting underway? Maybe it’s time you and I...